
Checking scales

How often does one check the scales to measure gaining? Check weekly, monthly or daily. Or does one go for a month or so, and wait for the numbers to make a big jump up, when you been packing it on?

Don't do it daily. If you do it daily, you'll drive yourself insane. Measure yourself at least once a week.
10 months

Checking scales

Don't do it daily. If you do it daily, you'll drive yourself insane. Measure yourself at least once a week.[/quote]

It can drive you insane, I've done it both ways. Have gone months without a clue and been a 'tad' obsessive... Actually a few years ago I had fun tracking my weight 3x a day almost everyday for better part of a year. Still got weight logs on an old phone.

It's interesting to look back and see how the numbers ebb and flo over the course of each month. Those binge days where I'd put on 8 pounds by evening entry loose 5 by morning and another 3 in days following even as I gained an average of 4 or so a day only to be back at same weight each morning. Then over next week or so, after another binge night or a couple good 6 pound days the morning numbers slowly rise a few pounds by end of month.

I haven't done this in a long time but want to be more diligent about using measuring tape on monthly basis. I regret not tracking actual inches better over the years, but takes more time than hopping on scale quick.
While it could be fun Munchies has a point, frustrating and discouraging at times when those numbers just won't climb or drop.
10 months

Checking scales

Don't do it daily. If you do it daily, you'll drive yourself insane. Measure yourself at least once a week.

It can drive you insane, I've done it both ways. Have gone months without a clue and been a 'tad' obsessive... Actually a few years ago I had fun tracking my weight 3x a day almost everyday for better part of a year. Still got weight logs on an old phone.

It's interesting to look back and see how the numbers ebb and flo over the course of each month. Those binge days where I'd put on 8 pounds by evening entry loose 5 by morning and another 3 in days following even as I gained an average of 4 or so a day only to be back at same weight each morning. Then over next week or so, after another binge night or a couple good 6 pound days the morning numbers slowly rise a few pounds by end of month.

I haven't done this in a long time but want to be more diligent about using measuring tape on monthly basis. I regret not tracking actual inches better over the years, but takes more time than hopping on scale quick.
While it could be fun Munchies has a point, frustrating and discouraging at times when those numbers just won't climb or drop.

So true bestie.

When you gain weight, not all of it will be fat/ A good chunk of it will also be food weight, water weight, and poop. It's basically weight that doesn't belong to you. Speaking from personal experience, it will drive you insane to see the way the scale goes up and day over the course of a day
9 months

Checking scales

I would think that if you’re using an app to track and measure daily and follow trends more than focus on day to day, the more data points the better.
9 months

Checking scales

I won’t be buying another scale, last one had me thinking I lost a bunch and it said it went to 450 im content with only knowing if and when I go to the doctor or when I go to a store and they have a scale. Also numbers don’t mean much anymore I just wanna be rounder and wider now
9 months

Checking scales

I used to have an ED and weighed many times a day. When I got into bodybuilding and the science of it all, I weighed every Thursday. ("They" say you're lightest on Fridays and heaviest on Sun or Mon) A few times I've waited a month, and I'm starting to think this is best for my own mental health, as my jumps and drops are minimal overall, as a slow gainer once a month suffices.
9 months

Checking scales

So true bestie.

When you gain weight, not all of it will be fat/ A good chunk of it will also be food weight, water weight, and poop. It's basically weight that doesn't belong to you. Speaking from personal experience, it will drive you insane to see the way the scale goes up and day over the course of a day[/quote]

Another point to this, sometimes even when you are not gaining weight or at least the scale says you've been same... Numbers can be deceptive.
My weight was stuck around 270 for long time but a few months into plateau I noticed my belly changing shape and seemingly growing, wider, dropped a little lower and some pants got tight. Scale didn't change for over 6-8 months but even my arms and thighs showed some newfound pudge. And belly most definitely got more doughy soft feel, even before I temporarily lost a little weight.
Delayed gain?
Also had a friend I've known over half our lives 'inspect' my belly while wearing an outfit I've had a few years. She confirmed I looked bigger and it sagged more despite being down around 10 pounds from my highest weight
9 months

Checking scales

So true bestie.

When you gain weight, not all of it will be fat/ A good chunk of it will also be food weight, water weight, and poop. It's basically weight that doesn't belong to you. Speaking from personal experience, it will drive you insane to see the way the scale goes up and day over the course of a day

Another point to this, sometimes even when you are not gaining weight or at least the scale says you've been same... Numbers can be deceptive.
My weight was stuck around 270 for long time but a few months into plateau I noticed my belly changing shape and seemingly growing, wider, dropped a little lower and some pants got tight. Scale didn't change for over 6-8 months but even my arms and thighs showed some newfound pudge. And belly most definitely got more doughy soft feel, even before I temporarily lost a little weight.
Delayed gain?
Also had a friend I've known over half our lives 'inspect' my belly while wearing an outfit I've had a few years. She confirmed I looked bigger and it sagged more despite being down around 10 pounds from my highest weight[/quote]

You’re not wrong I’ve definitely experienced this where you feel and look huge but you’re weight hasn’t changed at all. I think it’s generally a thing for bigger people who have already been fat
9 months

Checking scales

I think it depends on what you want to get out of checking the scale. If you only want to see progress, weekly or even monthly is the way to go, or maybe even only when you notice big milestones like no longer fitting in a pair of pants that used to fit well. This is especially true if you’ll be discouraged by numbers that are constant or go down. For some people who are sensitive about it, it can even be better to not weigh at all.

Personally, though, just the act of weighing is exciting and motivates me to keep going, and it doesn’t bother me if the number is the same or goes down, since it will still be higher than my starting weight when I first started gaining either way. I weigh all the time when I’m in a gaining cycle because it’s just fun to do.
9 months

Checking scales

I think it depends on what you want to get out of checking the scale. If you only want to see progress, weekly or even monthly is the way to go, or maybe even only when you notice big milestones like no longer fitting in a pair of pants that used to fit well. This is especially true if you’ll be discouraged by numbers that are constant or go down. For some people who are sensitive about it, it can even be better to not weigh at all.

Personally, though, just the act of weighing is exciting and motivates me to keep going, and it doesn’t bother me if the number is the same or goes down, since it will still be higher than my starting weight when I first started gaining either way. I weigh all the time when I’m in a gaining cycle because it’s just fun to do.

Yes, huge motivator for me too. Especially when feeling stuffed and so full I can't eat another bite. Seeing that temporary progress on scale helps push me to finish the rest of my food and maybe top my aching belly off a while later. No pain no gain lol
9 months
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